This song was the result of several different sources that I've come across over the last year and a half or so. I think to be honest, a real change happened for me after reading the book Irresistible Revolution by Shane Claiborne. That book really challenged my thinking on lots of things, but especially about Jesus' teachings and example on non-violence. A couple months ago I then came across this podcast about the ethic of kenosis and it reminded me of what IR originally stirred up within me. Anyway, I think I'll do a whole post just about this topic at some point, because its quite at lot to look at, but the idea boils down to the myth of redemptive violence. Meaning, the idea that you can bring peace by overcoming your enemies by force. Once again I'm not going to go into it here, but the long and short of it is that that just flat out doesn't work. Violence breeds violence and hate and rage and the only real solution to violence is to put your own life on the line and non-violently stand against the aggressor. Literally, you must be willing to buy peace with your own blood.
So lately I've been really meditating on Jesus' particular path of non-violent peacemaking and just the ridiculousness of the God of the universe humbling himself in such a way (a la Philippians 2:5-11) , and so this is kind of a worship song celebrating that.
a king took off his crown
he laid his glory down
deserving bended knee
he chose humility
so the lost ones could be found
could it be
such a love for me?
so give your glory glory to the son
of god who died for those he loved
our shame is gone, the kingdom come
our peace bought with his blood
a man laid down his life
a willing sacrifice
beautiful god above
became like those he loved
to ransom back his wife
oh so loved is she
throughout eternity
so give your glory glory to the son
of god who died for those he loved
our shame is gone, the kingdom come
our peace bought with his blood
Oh but I see in me
the antonym of peace
I want the enemy's head
but let me give my life instead
chorus (2x)
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