Jesus replied, "If anyone loves me, he will obey my teaching. My Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our home with him." - John 14:22-23
Have you ever met someone who had God living with them?
A remarkable idea if you really believe its possible. So much of our Christian understanding is that we suffer and trudge through life, but one day we will "go home" to be with God in heaven. And that is certainly true. But if that is all that is true, what do we do with Jesus' offer of life with God here and now?
Could it be that we use what we often call hope in the afterlife as a veil to cover that fact that we are afraid of beforelife? Maybe that's what Judas was asking.
Jesus, why are you bothering spending time with us? If you're God, just show yourself to the world and lets get this done with. We'll get everyone into heaven stat.
But maybe God is more interested in having followers who live now, lives that will last for eternity, rather than having to jump-start everyone's hearts when the end comes.
I say all of this because I met someone who was truly alive once, even though he was literally dying. His name was John Gronner and he died of cancer earlier this year. I only knew him for a very short period of time, but in that short time I was immediately taken by the incarnate juxtaposition of this dying man so full of life.

We met because Keight and I had gone one night to visit our dear friend Angie Stryker who had come home from Mexico to spend time with her father who was dying. K8 had told me a little bit about John but I really wasn't prepared for who awaited me that night.
I've only been in the presence of the immenitely dying a few times, but in my experience it had always been a somber, serious atmosphere. So I was not ready for the spirit of peace and joy and love that permeated that Gronner household when we walked in that night. What I found was a frail, bald, grinning man who immediately hugged us and welcomed us into their home. I was prepared to make polite conversation that steered away from any topics that would even brush his passing, but I quickly found him asking questions about ME. Wanting to know my hopes, my dreams. Lavashing blessings and words of hope and grace and wisdom throughout.
We stayed and ate and drank and talked and laughed and then left late that night. And as we were driving home I realized that I had made a friend. And that more than that, we were not only friends that night, we had been at home. John invited us into his physical home but also to the home that was built around the very breath of God and went everywhere that John went. He was a man that didn't just talk about grace, peace, hope, faith, love, compassion, justice and mercy, but someone who embodied them. And so it makes since that I felt right at home around him.
A several weeks later, John physically went home.
I went to his funeral and I shouldn't have been amazed, but I was. I knew in my head that I was not the only person that he had made feel as he did, but I marveled as I sat and I listened to people tell the same story over and over and over again.
John loved me. John listened to me. John was safe, He was kind, He was MY best friend.
And the truth is he was. He overflowed with the love of the God who lived inside of him, who made His home within him. And boy did it show.
So when Judas asks, "But, Lord, why do you intend to show yourself to us and not to the world?"
John would reply, "Because through us he WILL show himself to the world. And they will feel right at home."
This was in memory of John. I can't wait to see you again buddy.
Going Home
I've been working all the day to finally go
to be home
I’m going home
It’s the price we have pay, you surely know
to have a home
I’m going home
I’m going home
I’m going home
I’m going home
I’m going home
My brother’s been away to sow his oats and roam
But don’t you know
He’s coming home
Sister made the trip to town all on her own
But now she’s done
She’s coming home
They’re coming home
They’re coming home
They’re coming home
They’re coming home
There’s a man who’ll come one day and take me home
Oh to be home
I’m going home
Joseph’s son is on his way to take me home
Oh to be home
I’m going home
I’m going home
I’m going home
I’m going home
I’m going home
I’ve gone and left you darling ones but don’t you know
That I’m at home?
Oh I’m at home.
There’s a race you’ve got to run all on your own.
But I’ll be there.
When you get home.
Oh you’re coming home!
you’re coming home.
you’re coming home.
you’re coming home.
So when Judas asks, "But, Lord, why do you intend to show yourself to us and not to the world?"
John would reply, "Because through us he WILL show himself to the world. And they will feel right at home."
This was in memory of John. I can't wait to see you again buddy.
Going Home
I've been working all the day to finally go
to be home
I’m going home
It’s the price we have pay, you surely know
to have a home
I’m going home
I’m going home
I’m going home
I’m going home
I’m going home
My brother’s been away to sow his oats and roam
But don’t you know
He’s coming home
Sister made the trip to town all on her own
But now she’s done
She’s coming home
They’re coming home
They’re coming home
They’re coming home
They’re coming home
There’s a man who’ll come one day and take me home
Oh to be home
I’m going home
Joseph’s son is on his way to take me home
Oh to be home
I’m going home
I’m going home
I’m going home
I’m going home
I’m going home
I’ve gone and left you darling ones but don’t you know
That I’m at home?
Oh I’m at home.
There’s a race you’ve got to run all on your own.
But I’ll be there.
When you get home.
Oh you’re coming home!
you’re coming home.
you’re coming home.
you’re coming home.
Those are some amazing things you wrote about my Dad. Thank you for sharing that with us!