So after a short hiatus, we're back to songwriting. I do plan on finishing my thoughts on the Fall, but first lemme share this with you.
So the story behind this song goes like this. I've been thinking a lot about the kingdom of God lately. Which if you're not into the whole Jesus/Christianity thing goes like this... The story of the bible is pretty much summed up by the principle of Emmanuel, meaning God with us. The story starts with God being with humanity in the garden, and ends with God being back with humanity in a new heavens and a new earth. A lot of stuff happens in between, namely sin, which separates us from God.
The real problem comes for us today because of this. In a very real way, God is with us again, but in another very real way, He is not. On one hand, everyone in humanity has access to the Spirit of God which is alive and well in the world and has been (at the very least) ever since the day of Pentecost. But on the other hand, God himself, the father, the actual being, whatever form He takes, resides in the heavens and apparently if anyone looks on Him in our current state we would be undone.
So when Jesus came and talked about the Kingdom of God being near, it was a pretty complex thing to say. And when we talk about the Kingdom of God, its always in what my dad calls a "now and not yet" understanding. It's here and now, in one sense, but also not yet here in another. This is because the kingdom of God means a return to Emmanuel. God with us. Jesus was God, so his being on the scene fulfilled one part of God being with us. We got to witness the love, grace, and compassion of God first hand, and for all who saw Jesus, they also saw the heart of God the Father (John 14:9).
But at the same time, Jesus also talked about a time to come that was "not yet" He says in Matthew 25:31, "When the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, he will sit on his throne in heavenly glory."
Currently, we are somewhere in between. Jesus came, lived, died, lived again, and now is alive in body in the heavens. But one day he will come back, and there will be a judgement and we will once again be reunited with God the Father. But even now we are in a period of Emmanuel. Jesus left us his very Spirit to interact with that comforts and guides us.
SO. The song. This song is about celebrating the fact that God is with us. And that in a very real way, as we let the love of God, revealed in Jesus, live in us... we bring the day that come the Father will come back and live among His people closer.
Because this is my thought. Fear is an wise and ancient enemy. Humanity has warred against it for millennia. It is because of fear that we take up weapons either physical or emotional, and fight each other to the death. We are afraid of death, of insignificance, and of failure and so we fight. But this is the truth. When Jesus died for humanity on the cross, he literally killed fear. There is nothing left for us to be afraid of and there is nothing left worth fighting over. But because the world does not know about this love yet, the battle goes on.
I'll leave you with the hope of what's to come. Isaiah foresaw the day when the world would know that love and he prophesied what it would look like...
"They will beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation will not rise against nation, nor will they train for war anymore. Come, O House of Jacob, let us walk in the light of the Lord." Isaiah 2:4-5
Special thanks to Ryan Roberts and Andrew Clough for their contributions on electric and bass.
Verse 1 was influenced by Isaiah 11 and Verse 2 by Luke 7:18-23
Let Love Rule The Day
the child of glory sleeps among our tents
the feet of heaven walking in our midst
the day has come
the dove descending, love has come to dine
the lambs are laying down next to the lions
the day has come
so come near and follow the son of peace
where the blood and water set you free
this perfect love will wash away your fears
the kingdom’s come and emmanuel is here!
So let the song rise
Hallelujah, God is with us again
freeing captives, breaking down the walls of sin
so drop your weapons, put your shields away
and let love rule the day
the cripple’s walking, the blind and deaf are healed
the dead are laughing, the leper finally feels
the day has come
the children beam and sit upon his knee
the rocks are shouting with the waves and trees
the day has come
Pre chorus
the chief priests are plotting in the night
the servant king betrayed for such a price?
the day has come
the son of god is lifted up at last
the prince of darkness tilts his head and laughs
the day has come
the earth is groaning, creation hold its breath
the grave is straining to hold on to it’s dead
the day has come
the stone is rolling, the hope that’s lost is found
the love of God puts both feet on the ground
the day has come
so come near and follow the son of peace
where the blood and water set you free
his perfect love has put death in its grave
the kingdom’s come, and his love is here to stay!
chorus 2x
Let Love Rule The Day
the child of glory sleeps among our tents
the feet of heaven walking in our midst
the day has come
the dove descending, love has come to dine
the lambs are laying down next to the lions
the day has come
so come near and follow the son of peace
where the blood and water set you free
this perfect love will wash away your fears
the kingdom’s come and emmanuel is here!
So let the song rise
Hallelujah, God is with us again
freeing captives, breaking down the walls of sin
so drop your weapons, put your shields away
and let love rule the day
the cripple’s walking, the blind and deaf are healed
the dead are laughing, the leper finally feels
the day has come
the children beam and sit upon his knee
the rocks are shouting with the waves and trees
the day has come
Pre chorus
the chief priests are plotting in the night
the servant king betrayed for such a price?
the day has come
the son of god is lifted up at last
the prince of darkness tilts his head and laughs
the day has come
the earth is groaning, creation hold its breath
the grave is straining to hold on to it’s dead
the day has come
the stone is rolling, the hope that’s lost is found
the love of God puts both feet on the ground
the day has come
so come near and follow the son of peace
where the blood and water set you free
his perfect love has put death in its grave
the kingdom’s come, and his love is here to stay!
chorus 2x
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